Friday, July 29, 2022


We may Die of Laughter.

I suppose it's better to die of laughter, than frightened to death by a nuclear holocaust.

The following is worthy of a modern-day Keystone Kops revival:
The EU and US both still appear unable to accept that having failed to kill Russia with their shock and awe sanctions, they are now caught in their own booby trap by reducing access to Russia commodities, particularly ones on which they depend like gas, oil, fertilizers, neon, titanium, aluminum, platinum, palladium…. And then they get pissy when Russia is less than fully cooperative in continuing to supply them, even as they also threaten to stop/reduce buying from Russia (admittedly on largely imaginary timelines).

And as if that weren't enough, here is the Great Leader of Ukraine which the West has been parading all over the media. You just can't make this stuff up!

Seriously, though, this is the reality of the Ukraine conflict:
Suffice it to say that Russia is beating a military trained and equipped to NATO standards [force] over eight year, which had the additional advantage of building extensive, layered bunkers in Donbass. Russia is wearing it down with a peacetime expeditionary force, battle-hardened local militias, the Chechens, the Wagner Group (somewhere between volunteers and mercs) and most importantly lots of ammo and missiles. Russia has depleted Ukraine’s armored vehicles, heavy weapons, and seasoned fighters, as well as draining NATO caches, while reportedly manufacturing ammo and weapons at a rate so high that Russia is keeping up with the usage in the Special Military Operation. Russia has also demonstrated superiority to the West in missiles, missile defenses, and signal jamming. Yet somehow our strategists had convinced themselves that Russia was a military paper tiger, when that is increasingly looking like projection.

...Go read the whole thing.

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